Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Who Am I?


(Image from Treasure Island Kite Festival, 2023)

Thanks For Asking!!!

At this stage of life’s game, I am a wanderer, a skeptic, an introvert, a half-glass-full type, a realist, a problem solver, a mom, an ex, an optimist, a friend, a dance-like-nobody-is-watching type, an every-moment-is-precious type, a listener and a sounding board, a live-in-the-present type because your past can clog you up and your future is unknown.

How Did I End Up In St. Pete?

I have lived in New York, Australia (briefly), and Colorado for 97% of my life. A whirlwind of a love story gone bad and having to pick up the pieces quickly brought me to Florida. I’ve traveled thousands of miles on my own through a personal journey taking me from emotionally heartbroken to emotionally heart-centered. I may tell you about it someday when I get to know you.

What Do I Love About St. Pete?

The beauty, the climate, the diversity, the hustle, the quiet, the laughter, the music, the tides, the dolphins, the manatee, the pelicans, the sunrises, the sunsets, the ingenuity, the trees, the brick streets, the ‘happiness’ signs, the independence of small business, the artistry, the creativity, the murals, the music (oops, I said that again), the curiosity, the sense of community, the connections, the passion.

(A night at The Blueberry Patch, Gulfport, Fl)

(A Gulfport sunset)

(A mural and a ride on PedalPub St. Pete)

Why Do I Practice and Promote Dry Needling?

Dry needling is a technical offshoot of my career foundation as a licensed physical therapist. It is what I do to help people. It is a technique for pain relief and functional recovery. Stand-alone, it is nothing. Combined with the medical thought process, anatomical knowledge, questioning, realistic expectations, time for the client, listening to the client, and the coaching client to pursue their goals (standing, walking, running, sports, working, lifting, caring for others, caring for self, etc.) dry needling then becomes a dynamic and personal part of healthcare. I enjoy being a dynamic and personal part of healthcare.

What Will You Get From Me?

My attention.
A face-to-face discussion of your history, limitations, and goals.
Medically and anatomically based decision making.
Experienced dry needling care. I’ve been doing this for over 10 years.
Realistic expectations.
Honesty. If I don’t think I can help, I will tell you so.
Hopefully, some humor and laughter.
You may learn about my life’s journey and possibly I will learn about yours!

A brief history of my dry needling education and experience:

In 2009 I took my first dry needling class and was interested but a bit too nervous to use the technique on clients consistently, so I stopped. In 2012, I decided to take the beginner class again. This time I followed through and started ‘needling’ people. I completed my certification with intermediate and advanced dry needling classes. I began to love performing dry needling about a decade ago and have continued to use it on my clients whenever possible. As described in my blogs, dry needling has been a helpful tool for the treatment of many neuromuscular conditions such as sciatica, sprains, strains, low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, TMJ pain, headaches, bursitis, tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, whiplash, subluxations, rotator cuff injuries, thoracic outlet syndromes, stenosis, and degenerative disc diseases.

Currently, I practice in St. Petersburg, FL. I see a limited number of patients per week so that I can give each patient the attention to pathology and treatment techniques needed. 

Office location: Valverde Chiropractic, 5203 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, FL  33710

Availability: Monday, Tuesday, and Friday


To schedule an appointment please email me or call or text at (813) 922-8757 and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

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